Jessica Zarrella | The Law Office of Jessica Zarrella
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Jessica Zarrella

(240) 780-8745

As an Assistant State’s Attorney, I developed a reputation as a fierce and prepared trial lawyer, but was still known for being fair to the opposing side. Over a decade of litigation experience has given me the ability to be able to determine which battles need to be fought.

My approach is to be direct and efficient. I believe in getting the job done quickly and know that to most clients, time is money. At the Law Office of Jessica L. Zarrella, you will get advice that is upfront and pragmatic. Some lawyers tell you what you want to hear. I will give you an honest assessment of your case and tell you what you need to hear.

My reputation is as a lawyer who is responsive and accessible. I know that communication and dedication is key. I pride myself on being available to clients before and after traditional business hours because I know that crisis rarely happens from 9-5. I believe you deserve a lawyer that you believe in, can trust and who is there for you when you need them.